Privacy Policy

Charme Rent -

Rent-a-Car | Funchal | Madeira Island


1. Privacy Policy

The use of this website is subject to this Privacy Policy and the User should re-read its terms each time it is used to check if he/she agrees with it.

2. Personal Data

Charme Rent guarantees the respect for Users’ privacy.

Charme Rent collects your data by telephone, in writing or through its website, subject to your express consent. As a rule, personal data is collected when the User subscribes to one of our products or services.

Some personal data is mandatory and, in case of lack or insufficiency of such data, Charme Rent will not be able to provide the product or service in question, and Charme Rent will inform the Users of the mandatory nature of the data provision.

Charme Rent collects and processes personal data necessary for the provision of services and/or supply of products, processing data such as name, address, telephone or mobile phone number and e-mail address.

Under the terms of the legislation in force on the protection of personal data, the data collected by Charme Rent ill be processed and stored by computer.

The personal data you provide us with will be kept in a file by Charme Rent, the company responsible for the treatment of these data, with the following purposes in mind:

  1. Conclusion and execution of the contract relating to the products selected by the user;
  2. Fulfilling user requests;
  3. Providing the user with information on the products of Charme Rent, sending commercial messages by e-mail or any other equivalent automatic electronic means (such as SMS, MMS or any other electronic communications service), as well as by telephone contact, unless the User has objected at the time of collecting the data;
  4. Information and marketing actions.

You may change your preferences regarding the sending of such commercial communications by sending an e-mail to as well as indicating your opposition.

3. User

The User guarantees that the personal data provided are true and accurate, and undertakes to notify any changes thereto. Any loss or damage caused to this website or to the person responsible for the website or third parties resulting from erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information in the registration forms shall be the sole responsibility of the User.

4. Confidentiality

A Charme Rent, with head office at Rua Vale D’Ajuda nº61, the company responsible for the file, undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the user’s personal data and to ensure the exercise of the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a letter to the above address.

5. Subcontractors and Transfer of Personal Data

Personal data, including traffic data, databases and other operations, may be hosted, shared and communicated to other companies within the Charme Rent Group, under the terms and conditions legally defined.

Charme Rent may also use subcontractors for all or part of the purposes mentioned above, as well as for the maintenance, hosting and management of its computer systems and equipment, under the terms allowed by the legislation that regulates the processing of personal data, these entities are obliged to maintain secrecy and guarantee security with regard to the data of the Clients of Charme Rent to which, for this purpose, they have access, and shall not use these data for any other purposes, or for their own benefit, nor relate them to other data held by them.

In cases where the Users’ data is transferred or hosted in other companies of the Charme Rent Group, the levels of security and protection shall not be inferior to those provided by Charme Rent.

6. Communications of Personal Data

Charme Rent commits itself not to provide Users’ personal information to external entities. Charme Rent will only share your personal data with consent or if required by law in the following cases:

  • With partners so that they can assign the advantages and benefits associated with the respective campaigns and promotions;
  • When required by law, to the competent judicial authorities.

Any and all processing of personal data will be done in accordance with applicable law.

7. Data Retention

Your personal data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed, or for the period of time authorised by the National Commission for Data Protection, after which it will be deleted.

8. Right of Access, Correction, Opposition and Deletion

Under the terms of the applicable Portuguese legislation, the User has the right to access his/her personal data, being able to request its correction or addition, by writing to Rua Vale D’Ajuda nº61 or through the email address

The User may also, at any time, object to the processing of the data, with the exception of the data strictly necessary for the provision of the service, and/or request the elimination of his/her data for marketing purposes, by contacting Charme Rent, in writing to Rua Vale D’Ajuda nº61 or through the email address

9. Right to Data Portability

The User shall have the right to receive personal data concerning him or her which he or she has provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to transmit such data to another controller in accordance with the legislation in force on the protection of personal data.

10. Cookies

Cookies are small software tags that are stored on your computer by your browser, retaining only information related to your preferences, and as such do not include your personal data.

On this website we use cookies, which are small text files with information about your navigation on this site and whose main objective is to improve your web experience. You can find more information about the cookies we use, their purpose and other information of interest at the following link:Cookie Policy

By accepting this Privacy Policy you agree to the use of cookies on this site and described on the page indicated above.

11. Security Measures for Personal Data Protection

The protection and safeguarding of Users’ personal data is a fundamental element in the way Charme Rent provides its services. In this way, various security measures of a technical and organisational nature have been adopted in order to protect the personal data provided to us against diffusion, loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorised processing or access, as well as any other form of illicit processing.

12. Final Provisions

Charme Rent reserves the right, at any time, to change or readjust this Privacy Policy, and these changes shall be duly publicised on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy or the way in which the companies of Charme Rent Group collect and process your personal data you may contact us via email or by registered mail to Rua Vale D’Ajuda nº61.